The Lab


dental-implant (1)
All types of dental prosthetics

We specialize in advanced dental prosthetics, including fixed prosthetics, orthodontic appliances and  removable prosthodontics.

Prosthetics 3D print

Test the 3D print and try out the 3D printed work before finalizing it (to minimize errors).

Intra-oral scanner

In case your office has an intra-oral scanner, we are able to receive a file with a scan of the patient's jaw and perform prosthetic work according to the received scan. 

Delivered on time

Prosthetic work will be promptly delivered within the agreed deadline, ensuring that it aligns with the timelines established in the home country.

Using the latest technology

Our team uses cutting-edge technology to craft custom prosthetics that boost functionality, aesthetics, and life quality.

We Speak Your Language

Translators for German, English, or another foreign language as needed. Additionally, our team includes people who are fluent in these languages, so there is no reason to worry.

Everything and more!

We guarantee the quality and satisfaction of our services because nothing is more valuable than the confidence that comes with a perfect smile.
Before you reach out, you can learn even more by watching a short video rounding up all what we do.

What we do

Do you know that dental prosthetics services are up to 80% cheaper in Serbia?

But does that affect the quality of the final delivered work? Certainly not! With 20 years of experience and the latest tech at our hands, we will always deliver the best possible result you will be happy with.

- Fixed Dental Prosthetics - 

cirkonijumski cirkularni most - sve faze + 3D print privremenih kruna, dole desno)
zirconium circular bridge - all stages + 3D print of temporary crowns (bottom right)
cirkonijumski mostovi na čoveku
zirconium bridges
dva cirkularna mosta (gore i dole)
two circular bridges (up and down)
cirkularni most primer rada
circular bridge work example
cirkularni most (front od 7 do 7)
circular bridge (front from 7 to 7)
gornji curkularni most
upper curcular bridge
bezmetalne krune (e-max)
metal-free crowns (e-max)

 - Orthodontic Appliances -

orthodontic appliances 1
orthodontic appliances 2
orthodontic appliances 3
orthodontic appliances 4

- Removable Prosthodontics -

proteze na intraradikularnim kočićima i na implantima
prostheses on intraarticular posts and on implants
klasične pročaste proteze (totalne)
classic prostheses (total)
proteze na intraradikularnim kočićima i na implantima 2
prostheses on intraarticular posts and on implants
primer frezovanih kruna i skeleta (kombinovani rad)
example of milled crowns and skeletons (combined work)
kombinovani rad - atecmeni i frezovane krune
combined work - attachments and milled crowns

Contact us and start optimizing your work today
